Setting the Captives Free

It was during an intentional time of soaking in the empowering, life-giving presence of God—Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit—when I saw the vision. 

I walked through the gates into what looked like a zoo, but it was not like a more modern zoo where animals are given first-class hospitality. No, this one reminded me of Melbourne’s zoo as it generally was back in the 1960’s and 70’s—concrete flooring with thick metal bars that made up the cages.

Walking closer to the cages, where I would’ve expected to see animals there were people! My heart, already feeling shocked, was breaking at the sight of men and women who were not only in the cages, they were on display. 

Though these men and women were in cages, I saw that they were not imprisoned. They were not locked in from the outside.

In the vision, I knew that the lives of these people were solely dependent on any food and water they were given; in fact, they had no expectation of anything good. It was like they believed they could not—must not—ask for more. 

The one redeeming feature of the zoo was the trees and bushes planted around the cages. I sensed that by an act of unbridled grace, loving mercy and beautiful compassion, the Lord had planted the foliage to give the gift of dignity and shelter to the people, until that day when they would walk free.

Now I saw that Jesus was with me. Our hearts were one as, together, we went from one cage to the next to set the people free. 

Jesus’ joy was a wonder to behold as He stood looking into each cage. Holding out His hand, His love and invitation to a lifestyle of freedom was like a lifeline alive with crackling electricity drawing each person toward Him. 

As men and women reached out to take Jesus’ hand, I saw the metal bars of the cages melt away. And the people were set free to emerge from their places of captivity! 

I sensed the Holy Spirit saying that people who have lived captive to lies, but have now been set free, must be taught to live freely. Living a freedom-in-Christ lifestyle is something we learn to do and practise as we trust the Lord and are carried, like the eagles, soaring high on the winds of the Spirit of God. 

Jesus seems to say to you and to me:

“I have come to set the captives free! Where My Spirit is, there IS freedom. Walk with Me and talk with Me and I will teach you to live in a lifestyle of freedom where trusting and obeying Me becomes the most natural thing you can do! In this lifestyle, there is a beautiful flow where the rhythm is in harmony with the Father’s heart. 

Don’t look up the mountains of life; instead, take My hand and together we will walk one step at a time. You have a choice—you always have a choice! Choose to live a lifestyle of freedom empowered and sustained by My Spirit—the Spirit of Truth. Choose freedom in Christ, beloved! Love and Truth are perfectly brought together in Me, the Word of God.” 

© Heather Henson 2024

Photo credit: Frank Mckenna; published on Unsplash.

Shelter in the Storm

Does someone need to hear this message today? 

I remember days when I felt troubled and emotionally ‘down’ about a situation. 

Storms in life will come, and sometimes it seems like there is little or no warning. 

One Sunday afternoon in 2020 was one of those times and it did not help that I was also feeling very physically tired. Lying down for an afternoon rest, I turned my mind to focus on Jesus and asked Him, “God, who do you need to be for me at this time?” 

A picture came to mind of me standing alone. Dark storm clouds were in the sky in front of me. As I watched, lightening came towards me like arrows. It was very dark and threatening. 

Dark storm clouds were in the sky in front of me. As I watched, lightening came towards me like arrows. It was very dark and threatening. 

Then a second picture came to mind; same scene, but this time I saw that the presence of the Lord was like a shield between me and the storm clouds. 

Though the lightening still came, I saw that it could not penetrate the shield of God! 

The picture and its meaning was so powerful, and deeply ministered peace and courage and rest, calm and confidence into my heart and mind that day. In fact, as I reread my journal note today, it still does! 

Are you feeling like you’re in the midst of a storm—perhaps one that was not of your choosing? (Hey, who chooses to get caught in the middle of a thunder and lightening storm anyway?)

Take time to turn to Jesus. He promises that when you and I draw near to him, his Holy Spirit will draw near to us. Yield to God’s redemptive, forgiving and empowering presence today. 

The storm might still rage, but you will be secure, protected, in the shelter of the One True God!

Nothing can penetrate HIS defences. 

(Photo Credit: Mélody P – Published on Unsplash)

Freedom is not a Number

Why do we let our ‘size’ define us? 

“I’m a size 12”, says she. “I’m a size 16”, says another with a sigh. With a note of triumph, the vivacious one declares, I’m a size 8!” Yet another remains silent, looking down as if present in the conversation, but absent having withdrawn to the familiar place of shame that screamed at her, “Not good enough; you’ll never measure up!” 

I remember when…

Perhaps it was about twenty years ago when I was about to step on to the scales to do the daily ‘weigh-in’. In that moment, it was like an inner-audible voice spoke to me saying…

“What are you going to do with the number? 

I didn’t feel condemned or judged; instead, the words came like a gentle refreshing wind into my soul imparting life and love wrapped up in joy and peace. Recognising Jesus’ voice, I chose to stop. And I asked a question of my own; “What do you mean?” 

He spoke again with such wisdom and tender compassion that I felt seen, heard, understood and utterly loved. “Well, if it’s lower than you thought, you’ll be happy. If it’s higher than you expected, you’ll be sad.” 

Until that moment, I had no idea how much the numbers on a set of scales had taken me captive. 

But Jesus is fully able—and wants to—lead captives into freedom! 

He is the One who sets the prisoners free, but there are times when God’s Spirit must help us to see that we are captive to something and want to be free.

And today? I haven’t chosen to weigh myself since that day. Each time I felt tempted, I turned to Jesus, surrendering the desire to him. And in the moment of a big breath—in and out—peace and life-giving rest occupied more of my mind as I chose to trust Jesus that it would be okay. 

I remember when…

In the hormonal changes of my late forties, in the space of a few weeks, my internal alarm bells began ringing ever more loudly. I was watching the lower half of my body balloon as the medication the doctor prescribed me took effect. 

My altered body image was tormenting me in the room of my mind where anxiety and fear ruled. The shouting, judgmental, condemning and brutal voices were daily becoming louder, more strident and horribly vicious. 

One morning as I examined myself—yet again—in front of the bathroom mirror, I heard a very fearful, critical and self-loathing part of me. She had emerged out of hiding in the shadows long enough to accuse me. Feeling an increasing sense of dark despair, as if all hope was being flushed down the toilet, it was in that moment when I heard a different voice inviting my attention. 

The voice was gentle and strong. The words I heard were ushered in by an-other-worldly calm and hope—again, somehow audibly, but on the inside; “Heather, this is the way to be free. Every time you examine yourself like this, turn your eyes to look at Jesus instead.” 

At first it wasn’t easy. At all. Breaking negative habits is like that. At first, on the road to freedom in this area of my life, while standing in front of the mirror, I even held my face—to gently but firmly switch my focus away from myself on to Jesus. Other times, I needed to intentionally move away from the mirror because now I recognised the imminent danger I was facing. 

In my mind I could see the monster gleefully waiting to pounce and grab me and swallow me whole like a predatory dragon shaking me this way and that, all the time sneering, “I told you so!”

But God...

Each and every time I chose to let the Holy Spirit help me to refocus on Jesus rather than fixating on myself and the ‘problem’—it gradually became easier to breathe and really live! 

The freedom—in Jesus—came for me before the doctor telephoned to say there was a concern about the medication and I must stop taking it. 

I remember when…

The Spirit of God our beloved Father said to me, “Shame is not your friend.”

Shame is not your friend.

I did not feel condemned or judged. His words, and even the tone of his voice, changed everything. It felt like Jesus, kneeling in front of me, gently lifted my chin to help me look up into his eyes. 

And what did I see?

Come with me. 

When we look into the face of Jesus who is the exact representation of God’s being, you and I see that he has the kindest eyes that twinkle like diamonds shining in the light; like the way the water sparkles when the sun shines on the ocean! 

My precious friend, come close to God and he will draw near to you because he loves you so much!

It is man—people—who look at our outward appearance. God looks at your heart and mine and he who calls us to “Come to (be with) Jesus!” just as we are without one plea, will never ever turn anyone away. 

Your real God-given identity is not found in a number. 

Your identity is not defined by what the world demands you are or who you should be. 

Your true identity is found in Jesus Christ alone. 

So, come to Jesus in a posture of abandoned surrender. His lavish love and the gift of his amazing grace will wash you clean of the life-draining heavy weariness of endlessly striving to be right—to measure up and be acceptable.

The Spirit of Jesus will work a divine exchange transfusion in you—cleansing you of sin and despair—making you whole and healed and filled with hope and peace from the inside out.

Set free to follow Jesus!  

  1. Thanks Heather, this was such an important message for me to hear. The declaration of freedom that it proclaims is…

The Joy of Friendship

On April 8 2023, at the beginning of a three-month sojourn in Greece, I shared with friends a message that I believe God put on my heart to give away.

But it was not just for these precious women in Athens. I believe our beloved Father-God wants you, dear friend, to receive it too—in harmony with his heart.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you into a life-giving encounter with Jesus, the Son who is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of his nature, sustaining all things by his powerful word. (See Hebrews 1:3 CSB)

Oh Jesus, thank you for inviting me into the dance of friendship with you!

I hear you say…

“I AM with you, my beloved! I will never compromise in any way and will never ever tempt you to compromise with anything that would lead you away from me. 

Trust me! 

Look to me! As you rest in my presence and focus the eyes of your heart (your mind) on to me, I will fill you with thoughts that build you up in Christ, for glory to God. 

Take the one step at a time! 

Do not try to look around me in an attempt to see what might be ahead of us on this journey of life. Practice my presence—one step at a time—holding my hand. It is as you agree with me and surrender all to me that my Spirit will help you to see me, to hear my voice… to know my heart. 

Be still and know that I AM the Lord of glory, the King of heaven’s armies, your hope and your salvation! 

Let me lead you, beloved! There are mysteries that I will unfold and reveal to you, and there are other mysteries that will remain so. 

In everything, enjoy me!

Enjoy being with me!

Enjoy exploring life with me! 

I hold the key to life and AM the Door through which I invite you to dwell in the glory-light of my life! 

Cast ALL your cares, worries, frustrations and stresses on to me. They are not too much for me to deal with, but they are too heavy for you to carry. Indeed, they would only serve to weary and weigh you down so that your joy, my wonderful gift of strength-giving-joy to you, is drained. 

Remember, beloved, I have left you with peace, my gift of powerful peace that enables you to take a deep breath and walk the one step at a time, even when the world would hassle and hurry you along like angry, noisy little dogs yapping at you and nipping at your heels. That is not my way. 

Be Mine, beloved! Trust Me. I will tenderly care for your heart.

I came to set the captives free.

I came that you might have abundant and satisfying LIFE, experience freedom (in Christ), be led by Wisdom, and know the truth that will guard your heart and mind.”  

…letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” (Romans 8:6b NLT)

I do not call you servants anymore, because a servant doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father.” (John 15:15 CSB)


Another New Year’s Day, with all its hopes and dreams, was just a calendar entry away…

Reflecting back on 2002 while peering into 2023, I wondered if there might be a defining theme for this next year. 

I turned to Jesus asking him for the gift of a word or phrase that would, like a compass, provide direction for me. Such theme-words have impacted me in life-giving ways in past years, so I really wanted to know! 

I waited, curious, resting in the sense of his presence that was within and all around me. The word floated in like a gentle breath of air that filled my being with joy and peace and wonder. 


As I let the word rest in my soul I wondered, Jesus, would you please show me or tell me more about ‘friendship‘?

It was then that a verse—Jesus’s words—from the Bible came to mind (italics mine):

“I do not call you servants anymore, because a servant doesn’t know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from my Father.”

John 15:15 (CSB)

There is so much for me to explore in the words of Jesus, not least the thing of identity—in the light of how God sees me in Christ. How I am to him, and to others. 

It feels like I’m embarking on a mission—a journey of discovery and adventure—with Jesus who calls me “friend” and shares secrets from the Father’s heart with me!

On another level, I celebrate those ones I call friend. I have met them throughout the world— Papua New Guinea and Greece (where I have lived); New Zealand, Philippines, Malaysia, Zambia, South Africa, Hong Kong, England, France, the USA … 

On another level I see that Daddy (it was Father God who asked me, to call him, ‘Daddy’) has heard the deep, mostly silent, cries of my heart in 2022. I finally recognised and admitted to him that I have felt lonely for meaningful friendship. 

In the most remarkable, gracious and unexpected (to me) ways, he has been connecting me with people who are becoming friends to me. What joy is this!

Even in the oft-maligned space of social media there are those with common bonds—writing is one of them—with whom I am developing a friendship. 

Some friendships are just for a season though their aroma remains in the fabric of who I am. 

Some friendships are close while others are on the edges—but equally precious in some way. 

My friendship with Jesus is a gift from the Father initiated by him. By the power of his Holy Spirit, he will continue transforming me into someone worthy of being called HIS friend.

And out of this friendship room in my heart, I will become a true (and truer) friend to the people in my life and those I am yet to meet. 

All this will happen as I keep hold of HIS hand and walk with HIM, following in the footsteps of Jesus—one step at time. 

As I think of you, friend, and ask God for a gift from his heart for you, I seem to hear these words;

“I invite you into a life of friendship. Come to Jesus and take My hand. I will fill the deepest parts of your heart that secretly long for connection. You will find that in me. I will not be a ‘fair-weather’ friend. I will not judge you, talk about you behind your back, abandon you for someone else, or even be disappointed when you don’t live up to those unreal expectations that haunt you. 

Trust me, beloved! Surrender to my love for you that saw me send my beloved, only begotten Son—Jesus—to the world. I am the friend of the outcast, the maligned, the sinner. I am a true Friend who will lead you into life eternal! 

Taste and see that I, the Good Shepherd, am GOOD!”

Heather Henson

Written December 31, 2022



Do you hear the whisper of My voice? 

Amidst the din, the cacophony of the loud hustle and bustle noise of the world, listen… 

Listen for my powerfully-gentle voice! 

I AM peace 

I AM joy  

I AM love

I AM the truth 

I AM wisdom

I AM the way!

I invite you to come to Me and rest in the glory-cloud of My goodness. 

Take My hand and walk with Me—one step at a time

I AM your Helper who never leaves you or forsakes you. 

My name is Jesus, the only begotten Son of the most-high God!

I came to seek the lost and bring them back to My Father who redeems all things for the sake of His holy, pure and glorious Name which is above all and before all and beyond all things. 

Surrender it all to Me. Where your treasure is, there also is your heart… so let Me hold it all.” 

Jesus, I see a picture of someone who is holding so very much. Their arms are more than full and it looks so heavy. As I watch, they are trying to protect what looks like gift-wrapped boxes from those who come, one after the other, to take for themselves. 

Jesus, the burden of trying to protect what they have collected, and are now working so very hard to protect, looks like such a heavy burden. I see the frustration and anger building in their eyes. I see desperation rising as they work to protect what they are holding.

What will they do? Who will help them? What will happen? 

Jesus, I hear you say;

“Come to Me. All of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, come to Me. I will give you rest. 

Lay it all down so that you are free to receive the gifts that I have for you. One at a time. 

What I give you is life-giving and is light to carry. And you will never be alone. My Spirit is (and will always be) your Helper, wise Counsellor, all-knowing Guide, and your Advocate. 

As you rest in Me, your weariness is washed away. Peace envelops you filling every part of your being. Joy is your everyday strength that builds you up. My loving-kindness fills you with hope that never leaves. You are now free to sing and dance as we walk together. 

One step at a time directed and empowered by My grace. 

Beloved, in Me, you are home—forever and wonderfully home! 


‘… Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”‘ – Matthew 11:28-29 (NLT)

All is Well

“Beloved, I see your heart—your beautiful and tender heart!

I long to be THE ONE who, alone, gathers you up and draws you into the shelter of My presence. 

Within the beauty and serenity of My peaceful and joyful presence, the reign of My holiness creates an atmosphere where all is still. 

All is calm. 

It seems like the pause button is on and the endless hurry and driven rush and bustle of the world is silenced. 

In this ethereal silence—filled with the sound of My love and majesty—you breathe deeply of My hope, wisdom, confidence and joy carried in an endless stream of loving grace and mercy.

In this place, you are secure in your identity in Christ.

In this place, you are free to explore life, hand-in-hand with Jesus.

In this place, fear takes a back seat because courage inspired by a kingdom-of-God mindset fills and floods the room in your heart where Hope now reigns.”

And I turn to You, Jesus and know that all is well!

There is a future that beckons me to enter—confident and assured of Your ever and very present moment-by-moment help and guidance through the stream of Your empowering presence. 

You, the only wise God magnificent and holy in all Your ways, is for me. Your plans for my wellbeing are always excellent and trustworthy in harmony with Your heart. 

And I hear You say…

“Be still and rest in My eternal goodness, and together, we will continue to walk through life—hand-in-hand—one step at a time!”


Where have I come from? Where am I now? Where am I going?

It’s been two years and seven months and twenty-nine days, but who’s counting?

It’s not that I haven’t been writing. It just didn’t make it on to my blog…

While living in Greece, I wrote a lot – journal entries, emails, messages, social media posts, newsletters. It was all personal work and necessary to keep the vital highways of communication open with our (my husband Ross and I) family, friends, and partnership support team. Added to this, there was my (volunteer) work of writing, compiling, proofreading and editing as a member of the Hellenic Ministries’ Media and Communications Team. Beyond all of it was the business of living in a cross-cultural context complete with learning a new language, adapting to driving on the ‘other’ side of the road / car, and moving apartments in Athens four times in two and a half years which also meant new shop, streets etc.

So that was Greece.

Now this is Australia.

Then there was Papua New Guinea.

When I scan memories of my 60-plus years of life, I see that transitions happened from early childhood with a frequency that didn’t allow any moss to gather under this rolling stone!

One evening during the three years my family and I lived in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in the 1990s, I had a strong ‘aha’ moment. As if I was the first person to know this, I told Ross, “I don’t think Jesus likes our comfort zones!” We agreed to be watchful and prayerful in the hope of avoiding settling into those ‘familiar, safe, comfortable, confining and predictable’ zones in life where a dull, sleepy spirit might resist exploring an invitation…

In between living away from Australia during our years in PNG and Greece came a long list of international itinerant work-related and missional adventures. Ross and I travelled to destinations I had only dreamed about: Zambia, Hong Kong, Cambodia, China, Philippines, South Africa, Malaysia, Thailand and New Zealand.

It felt like I was on a fast-moving train that regularly paused at stations all called “Transition“.

The drama surrounding the move our family made to the PNG provincial capital of Mt Hagen after one year of life in the rural Baiyer Valley remains a strong memory. That transition, which came after months of serious law and order problems (23 people were killed around us in tribal conflicts), culminated in a third armed ‘hold-up’. This time it wasn’t Ross in the middle of it all – it was our six year-old son and I. This distressing situation was not what any mother would knowingly choose for her son. But Jesus, our redemptive God, had the final amazing word. But that’s a story for another time… 

How am I going to land this plane?

Transitions of all sorts have come and gone in my life, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s this: they will come again. How do I make sense of them? How do I live, and thrive, while I’m in the uncertainty and stress of transition?

Jesus is the answer! Our heavenly Father has promised that the Spirit of Jesus will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5b) There is no good reason why we have to make our way through life on our own, or on our own terms. The ‘Ancient of Days’ (see Daniel 7) always keeps His promises. After all, He is the Truth, so it is impossible for Him to lie. Jesus is a proven help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1), something which I continue to experience as I abide in His empowering Presence.

In a life-changing experiential encounter with Jesus in 2002, words that came to mind opened up a new space in my heart that I’ve been exploring with the help and guidance of His Spirit ever since.

“Think of the highest mountain you can!”

Going to my memories of PNG, I was just about to look up at the huge mountains that had made the little aeroplane in which I was a passenger seem even smaller when the Spirit of Jesus spoke again…

“But don’t look up. It’s too high. Take My hand, and we’ll walk one step at a time.”

More than a decade later, I was in a much larger aircraft flying at high altitude when these words came to mind as I focused my mind on to Jesus: “In every footstep of Jesus, there is so much to explore.

In every footstep of Jesus, there is so much to explore.

A transition might be just a word that describes the process of exploring the adventure of moving from one divine footstep into another.

I know where I have come from. I know where I am now. I don’t know what lies ahead of me, but I do know the One who holds me secure in the uncertainty. I can choose to keep hold of my heavenly Daddy’s hand (agree with and yield to God’s wisdom and will) freely extended to me by His grace with such love, always confident that He knows the way forward – one step at a time – viewed through the lens of eternity spread out before Him!

Points to consider:

  • Do you fear change and transition? Why?
  • Some of my transitions have been rougher than others. The smoother ones have come as I have connected with, and being surrounded by, a supportive and loving community, including the help of a professional counsellor.
  • You and I won’t usually know what is around a corner on the path of life, but God knows it all. And in Jesus Christ, we are secure. Turning to He who is Love – choosing to focus on Jesus and coming close to Him – gives me the freedom to explore life with joy, and in peace.

Letters From Greece—#1

Dear Reader,

It’s been a year—exactly a year today in fact—since my husband Ross and I moved to live in Athens, Greece. And what a year it has been!

Culture stress is a well-known phenomena experienced by anyone who moves to live in a culture new to them. Someone once briefly described to me how the human brain (or is it the mind?) reacts in relation to a new and unfamiliar culture; it made sense and helped explain what I was going through. In a fairly normal, everyday sort of situation in my new life, I automatically head off down a well-worn pathway in my brain only to find that I can’t go that way. All the familiar signposts don’t work here! The process of developing new pathways can be a confusing and exhausting one, even if the adventure of it adds a wonderful myriad of colour to my life!

So, you might ask, what are some highlights of this first year in Greece for me?

The food. Most local areas in Athens, like the rest of Greece, host a weekly farmer’s market known locally as the ‘laiki’ or more technically, the ‘laiki agora’; literally, it means the people’s market. Imagine table upon table of the freshest fruit and vegetables—and you’d be correct! Not only is the food fresh, but it is also seasonal. I remember the time I forgot about the lettuce in my fridge. I expected to find it wilted and sad; but no, I found a lettuce which looked fresher than I would’ve found in the supermarkets of Melbourne!

The people. (Maybe they should’ve come first!) This is a nation of people who are strong and resilient and creative… a people who have learned to persevere in the face of one trial and crisis after another—both historically and more recently. Hospitable, friendly, helpful, delightful, kind-hearted, passionate, encouraging. These are all words which might generally describe the Greek people I have encountered. Of course, there are exceptions, but aren’t there anywhere?

The language. One of the best things I chose to do was to more formally learn Greek. A lesson with Kiki (my teacher is Greek and she teaches Greek!) is a weekly adventure. Each new grammar rule expands the capacity of my brain, even if it does sometime ache with the effort! (Note to school students: it’s worth paying attention to those grammar lessons!) Each new word and phrase learned and practised, serves to open up a new avenue of communication! It’s an exciting new world, and one in which I have encouraging and enthusiastic language helpers most places I go to; supermarkets, the local church, market, neighbours… And just a note on language dear Reader; if you ask me to say something to you in Greek, in my experience, all my words seem to disappear somewhere I can’t access ‘on the spot’!

The roads. Oh, the roads! One of the major victories I have had during the last year in Greece, is to learn to drive on the ‘other side’ of the car, on the ‘other side’ of the road! Another has been to learn to expect the unexpected! That time when the woman crashed into the rear of our (borrowed car), I was so very thankful that Ross was with me, no one was hurt, she spoke English and she admitted fault! On a more general note, it seems to me that switching on the hazard lights of a car means its driver can pretty well do anything—even stopping unexpectedly right there on the road in front of you! I might add here that the many motorbike riders without helmets worries me. I’ve worked in a major hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. Enough said…

The weather. Living in Greece has allowed me to experience every season. Summers are long and hot made even hotter by heat waves! Anyone who can do so, escapes Athens in summer, especially in August. Winter was cold but not as cold as I imagined it might be. There was a brief covering of snow on the mountains just before Christmas which made for some super-cold winds but spectacular scenery! Springtime has possibly been my favourite season with its mild weather, and such treasures as the wildflowers. On my daily walks, to see the rich display of red poppies together with their neighbours all dressed up in blue, yellow and purple in a riot of colour, has been wonderfully life-giving.

The Celebrations. Christmas, Easter… It has been such an experience to be here and experience the various celebrations that are familiar to me but are celebrated in different ways. Maybe I’ll tell you about the red coloured Easter eggs another time (by the way, I didn’t see any hot-cross buns and very few chocolate products which was refreshing!). Other celebrations or remembrance days unique to Greece, have spoken into my love of culture and history.

Transition and Home. Dear Reader, Ross and I don’t regret leaving ‘home’ to come to live in Greece but we do miss our family and friends, not to mention all the familiar support structures that we took for granted. We treasure your communication with us and gifts of encouragement to us, as we continue to navigate our way through one transition after another. We’re gradually making new friends and learning how to thrive in our adopted home.

We began our adventure in Athens staying for a few weeks in an apartment in central Athens. From there, we moved to the foothills of one of the mountains surrounding Athens to ‘house-sit’ a property for eleven months (we sub-leased the fully furnished house). The cat, whose care was entrusted to us, will be joyfully handed over to her family soon! (We’re not ‘cat-lovers’—apologies if you are!) The coming three months will see us staying in different places whilst we wait for an ‘inner-city’ apartment to be ready for us.

May you and I know through faith and experience—especially in the winds of change and uncertainty—the reality of being held secure, at peace, in the sure and strong and wise grip of Jesus who is magnificently one with the Father.

Until next time,

With love from Heather

PS, What’s a letter without a few photos? Here are a few of my favourites in a slideshow…

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The path


Imagine with me for a moment as together, we stand on the path…

Look! I see Jesus… He is standing there up ahead at the bend in the pathway! 

Of course Jesus has been with you all along! Did you know that? Or did you not recognise that it was Jesus who was with you all this time? Is it possible that you have been so intent on just getting to where you think you must be, that you paid no attention to Who it was that has been offering to equip you, help you and guide you on your journey in life?

Did you not know that if only you would come close to God, He promises to come close to you?

Or have you been so focused on the path itself—trying to work out how and where every part might fit in (does it even have a place?), that you lost sight of Jesus?

In perfect and loving harmony with God the Father, Jesus has not lost sight of you.

Did you notice the wonder and the beauty of the unfolding story contained within the path?

Did you see that even the smallest piece of rock has its own place and is held securely together in the cement?

Or did you think He did not care?

Did you think He did not treasure even the smallest part of your life that you thought would not matter? Did you think He was just watching—from a distance? 

You are loved by the Father-heart of God! He sees you. He knows you. Intimately. 

The Father’s plans are all about Jesus. He loves you with the same love He has for His Son Jesus! There is no other pathway to God except through Jesus.

Beloved, just like every one of your tears and sorrows is lovingly, carefully collected and treasured in the heart of God, so has every one of the steps you have taken this far in life been lovingly, intentionally and creatively brought together.

It is all there and there is more yet to come! 

Worked together. Held together in the embrace of Jesus who is The Way. The Truth. The life!

It is the only wise thing we can do. Leave everything to be where Jesus is. Go where He is going. Choose to partner with His Spirit wholly surrendered to God’s plans!

It is all for the glory of our redemptive and sin-forgiving God who is love and has the gift of life to freely give and invites us to join Him!

Through Jesus. For the fame of the name of Jesus Christ!

By the way… did you notice in the picture that the day is drawing to a close? The mercies of Godwho is I AMare new every morning.

“… we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. God knew what he was doing from the very beginning.

He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him.

After God made that decision of what his children should be like, he followed it up by calling people by name. After he called them by name, he set them on a solid basis with himself.

And then, after getting them established, he stayed with them to the end, gloriously completing what he had begun.” (Romans 8:28-30 The Message) 

What else might the Holy Spirit want to speak to you about or show you as you reflect on my photo (taken in Athens, Greece)?

I see something different every time.

I see that there are gum trees and I am comforted by the grace of my compassionate God who has transplanted me into another land and gives me visible memories of my home in Australia.

I see the dry ground scorched by the summer heat and am reminded that by God’s grace, I am like a tree planted along a riverbankwith roots that reach deep down into the water. Such a tree is not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. The leaves of such a tree stays green and never stops producing fruit. (Jeremiah 17:8 NLTparaphrased)

God has so much to show you. Get your journal out. Take the time to be still with Jesus and listen to His Spirit and receive all that He has to give you. 

Peace. Hope. Freedom in Christ. Healing from the inside out.

To love God is to trust and obey.

All for Jesus!